Get control of time recording and salaries
JMA Time is a web-based punch-clock/time-clock where your employees clock in with their mobile phone or using a computer/tablet you place in the workplace. If they use their mobile the GPS position is saved so that you can check where they are when they clock in/out.
When its time to do the salaries you can export the times to your salary program using the PAXML standard or you can get an Excel file. JMA Time is compatible with most salary programs. You can also import and export a list of your employees so that you do not have to enter them manually.
Clock in/clock out can be done via internet on a tablet or computer you have at the workplace or with the employees own mobile phone. With mobile phone you can have the system record the GPS position, on or off per each employee if you want to.
The price is 89 kr per person and month.
Included in the price are free support, free updates, help with changes in your settings etc.